Legislation Information
Pending Legislation
Type in the word "equine" in the search box to locate bills, (proposed legislation) relating to horses.
Federal Laws
Proposed regs will legalize every inhumane practice identified in the transport of horses to slaughter!

Doubles will be legal for 5 years AFTER the proposed regs go into effect. It has already been 4 1/2 years, that makes for 10 years of the continued use of doubles after this legislation passed..
EPN's Comments
on Proposed Regulations For the 1996 Commercial Transportation of Horses To Slaughter Act
CA Equine Council's
Comments on the Proposed Regulations For the 1996 Commercial Transportation of Horses To Slaughter Act
State Laws
Proposition 6,
The PROHIBITION of Horse Slaughter and Sale of Horsemeat for Human Consumption Act Of 1998, Does Not Violate The Commerce Clause
Horsemeat Laws
1996 Commercial Transportation Of Horses To Slaughter Act
December 7, 2001
Final Rule Commercial Transportation of Horses to Slaughter Act
American Horse Council, American Horse Protection Association, & Humane Society of US
propose to legalize every inhumane practice identified in the transport of horses to slaughter & put the very people identified as the abusers, the "killer buyers" in charge of the horses!
Proposed Regulations For the 1996 Commercial Transportation of Horses To Slaughter Act
USDA Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service, APHIS
Approval of Livestock Facilities;
Interstate Movement of EIA Reactors
USDA Food Safety Inspection Service, FSIS, Regulations
Biological Residues in Horses;
Slaughter of Foaling Mares;
Slaughter of Sick Horses;
USDA APHIS Humane Slaughter Act

AZ Transport Law
CA Transport Law
CT Transport Law
MA Transport Law
MN Transport Law
NY Transport Law
Ag and Markets, Section 359-a

Horses inside double deck cattle trailer stopped by the NYSP. The owner was later convicted & fined $3000.00.
VA Transport Law
Vermont Transport Law
PA Anti Cruelty Law
Title 18, Section 5511
Sign Posted at PA Horse Auctions is NOT the Law!
Sign outside auctions is incorrect!

Sign posted outside 2 PA horse auctions regarding the PA Anti Cruelty Statute is incorrect! " Maybe the posting of this sign has something to do with "the agreement" that the auctions and the PA SPCA have with each other...
U.S. Anti-Cruelty Statutes
PA Domestic Animal Act
Licensing of Dealers & Haulers
EIA Regulations, Coggins Test
PA Dead Animal Act
Requirements for Removal of Dead Animals
PA Animal Markets
General Provisions
Transactions From Trucks
IL Horsemeat Act
Texas Law
Sale of Horsemeat for Human Consumption
Prohibits Sale of Horsemeat For Human Consumption
Texas Attorney General Cornyn States TX Law
Prohibiting Sale of Horsemeat Applies to the 2 Texas Horse Slaughterhouses!

California Voters "Just Say Neigh" to Horse Slaughter!
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PayPal accepts credit cards!
Please send your tax deductible donation to the:
Equine Protection Network, Inc.,
P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933.
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Put "EPN" in the Coupon Code box when you place your order.
Now you can save money on your favorite music and help the horses at the same time!

HoofPAC is the political action committee that has been formed to end the slaughter of America's horses. Cathleen Doyle, founder of HoofPAC, led the successful Save The Horses campaign in 1998 that made the slaughter of California's horses a felony.
Page last revised on:

Cross Reference--As to the inapplicability of this Section to horses intended for immediate slaughter.
seeALMGLc 129147,
Code of Massachusetts Regulations
Prevention. suppression and extirpation of equine infectious anemia in horses. 330
CMR 16.03.
Rules and regulations for the dealing in and transportation of equine animals, 330
CMR 19.01.
45. License to Engage in Business of Dealing in Equine Animal..
- Every person engaging in the business of dealing in equine
animals or auction of said animals and tack shall obtain a license
therefor from the director, the fee for which shall be fifty
dollars, and such license shall expire on October thirty-first
following the date of issuance, unless sooner revoked, provided
that the fee for any person licensed under the provisions of
section two B of chapter one hundred and twenty-eight of the
General Laws shall be five dollars. The director shall, subject
to the approval of the commissioner of food and agriculture make
rules and regulations governing the issuance and revocation of
such licenses and the conduct of the businesses so licensed and
relative to the maintenance of premises, buildings and conveyances,
the health of equine animals and the method and time of checking
and inspection of said animal The purpose is to prohibit the
transportation and slaughter of horses by inhumane means.
(1977, 857.)
- Cross Reference
Aa to prohibition of municipal dog officers from being licensed
as animal dealer:. see
ALM GL c 140 * 151.
Code of Massachusetts Regulation:-
Rule: and regulations for the dealing in and transportation of equine animals, 330
- CMR 19.01.
- § 46. License Plate. on Vehicle Used to Transport
Equine Animal..
- Each vehicle used for the transportation of equine animals
by any person engaged in the business of dealing with such animals,
when operated on any way, shall bear a metal license plate, attached
to the side of the vehicle to the left of the person operating
or driving the same, such plate to be furnished by the director
on the payment of a fee of five dollars Said plate shall be valid
for the term for which the license is granted, but shall be returned
to the director on revocation of said license. The
use of multiple deck vehicles or the so called "possum belly"
vehicle used in the transportation of equine animals is prohibited.(1977,
§ 47. Bill of Sale or Memorandum in Connection With Transportation of Equine Animal for
1604 Dealing in and the Transportation of Equine Animals
- (a) No person shall engage in the business of selling,
dealing, auctioning or transporting equine animals in the Commonwealth
unless licensed by the Department.
(b) Any person desiring to apply for a Livestock Dealer-Transporter
license shall submit. on a form provided by the Department, an
application and the appropriate fee.
(c) Upon receipt of a completed application for a license. the
Department shall inspect the applicant's facilities and vehicles.
if the Department finds the facilities and vehicles in compliance
with 330 ~ 16.04(2)(a) through (i) and 330 CMR 16.04(3)(a) and
(b), the Department may issue a Livestock Dealer-Transporter
(d) All Livestock Dealer-Transporter licensees will be issued
a metal license plate by the Department The license plate will
be valid for the term of the Livestock Dealer-Transporter license.
If the license is revoked at any time, the License plate must
be returned to the Department.
(e) No Livestock Dealer-Transporter licensee shall transport
an equineanimal in any vehicle unless the drivers side ot the
vehicle bears a metal livestock dealer-transporter license plate
issued by the Department.
(f) Livestock Dealer-Transporter licenses for equines shall expire
on October 31st following the date of issuance.
(g) All licensees shall post their license at a permanent location
in the Commonwealth in a place prominently visible to the public.
(h)The Department may deny a license to any applicant whose facilities
or vehicles fail to comply with 330 CMR 16.O4(2)(a) through (i)
and 330 CMR 16.04(3)(a) arid (b). Any applicant whose license
has been denied may submit a written request fbr a hearing within
14 business days Following notification of the Department's decision
to deny the license.
(i) The Department may revoke or suspend a license after a M.G.L.
c. 30A hearing and upon finding that the licensee has:
1. violated M.G.L. c 129. §§ 9. 44. 44a 45, 46, or
47 or M.G.L. c. 128. 2A or 2B.or M.G.L c; 272, §§ 77
through 79B;
2. violated any provision of 330 CMR 16.00;
3. Allowed an issued license to be used by an unlicensed person;
4. Violated a quarantine order issued by the Department; or
5. Made a material misstatement on the application for a license
- (2) General Care of Animals and Premises. All licensees
(a) Maintain all areas where equines are kept in a safe and sanitary
(b) Have equipment available for any necessary storage or disposal
of waste material to control vermin; insects or obnoxious
(c) Provide adequate shelter for the comfort of all equines on
the premises:
(d) Take all reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of
infectious or contagious diseases:
(e) Clean stalls daily or more frequendy to ensure their sanitary
(f) Ensure that box stalls are of adequate size such that the
equine contained therein shall have room to stand and lie down
(5) Equines are housed without overcrowding and in groups of
compatible temperament and gender;
(h) Provide sufficient fresh food of a tppe and amount consistent
with the dietary requirements and age of the horse at least twice
daily: and
(i) Ensure that fresh, clean water is available to all equines.
- (3) Transportation.
- (a) No licensee shall maintain any equine in a vehicle
within the Commonwealth for a period of time exceeding ten hours
without the equine being off-loaded and placed in a stable or
shaded pasture.
- (b) Licensees shall ensure that:
- 1. All vehicles are constructed with no sharp objects
or protuberances on the interior or the sides:
- 2. All floor ramps are made of a non-skid material or
- 3. All vehicles, stalls and loading ramps are cleaned
- 4. All vehicles have adequate ventilation;
- 5. All doorway openings have a height of at least 12 inches
above the
withers of the tallest equine being transported:
- 6. All vehicles transporting more than six equines have
at least two doorways on adjacent or opposite sides of the vehicle;
- 7. All horses being transported are separated in a manner
to prevent injury or close contact between incompatible animals.
- (4) Record Keeping and Inspections.
(a) All licensees shall maintain records and interstate bills
of lading for a period of 90 days from the date of sale or transport.
All records shall be maintained at the location where the license
is posted. All records shall indude the following information:
- 2/7/97
Save America's Horses!

Contact us to find out how you can have our billboard near you!
Please send your tax deductible donation to:
Equine Protection Network, Inc., P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933
The official registration and financial information of the Equine Protection Network, Inc., may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll free within PA, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
