Federal Laws, State Statutes, USDA & State Regulations
Federal Laws
1996 Commercial Transportation
Of Horses To Slaughter Act
7, 2001
Final Rule Commercial Transportation of Horses to Slaughter Act
American Horse Council, American Horse Protection
Association, & Humane Society of US
propose to legalize every inhumane practice
identified in the transport of horses to slaughter & put the very people
identified as the abusers, the "killer buyers" in charge of the horses!
Proposed Regulations For the 1996 Commercial
Transportation of Horses To Slaughter Act
Federal Horsemeat Laws
State Horsemeat Laws
CA's Proposition
of Horse Slaughter and Sale of Horsemeat for Human
Consumption Act Of 1998, Does Not Violate The Commerce
Texas Law
State Statutes Dead Animals
State Statutes Horse Transport
State Statutes Police Animals
State Statutes Selling Lame,
Disabled, or Debilitated Horses
State Horse Transportation Laws

Horses inside double deck cattle trailer stopped by the NYSP. The owner was later convicted & fined $3000.00.
Links to State Statutes
U.S. Anti-Cruelty Statutes
State University College of Law: Animal Legal & Historical
Web Center
PA Statutes & Regulations
PA Domestic Animal Act
Licensing of Dealers & Haulers
EIA Regulations, Coggins Test
PA Dead Animal Act
Requirements for Removal of Dead Animals
PA Animal Markets
General Provisions
Transactions From Trucks

California Voters "Just Say Neigh" to Horse Slaughter!
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HoofPAC is the political action committee that has been formed to end the slaughter of America's horses. Cathleen Doyle, founder of HoofPAC, led the successful Save The Horses campaign in 1998 that made the slaughter of California's horses a felony.
Page last revised on:
1 November, 2007

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State Statutes on Abandoning Animals Information
This section of our website has information on action you can take to help the horses; pending legislation; USDA Regulations on the handling and slaughter of horses; individual state transport laws; California's Prop 6 which banned the sale of CA horses to slaughter, (Yes, CA's horse industry is still thriving!) and other related information.
Many states have their laws, (statutes or codes) online. You can check on the status of legislation affecting horses by going to your state legislatures website and doing a search. Type in the word "equine" or "horse". Often you can communicate with your state and or United States Senators and Representatives by e-mail. Remember though to include your full name and address in your e-mail.
Getting Involved
- Learn your state's laws.
- What horse organizations in your state represent the horses industry in the state legislature?
- Do they represent you on horse welfare issues? Many state horse councils are in favor of horse slaughter and do not take a strong stand on the enforcement of anti-cruelty laws as they apply to horses.
- If the horse industry organizations in your state do not represent your views on horse slaughter and horse welfare, write to your state representatives and let them know that these organizations do NOT represent you, a member of the horse industry, on this issue.
- Inform the horse organizations that you are a member of that you are
opposed to the use of double cattle trailers to transport horses & opposed
to the slaughter of horses for human consumption.
Reading a Statute
- Look for the Definitions - This section will tell you what animals
are covered under the statute and define certain terms.
- Look for Penalties- This section tells you what the
penalty is for a person convicted of the offense.
It also tells you whether or not the penalties are Civil
or Criminal. Criminal penalties can be enforced by
police departments. Civil Penalties do not allow for
imprisonment. Usually the penalty involves monetary
- Look for Authority- This section will tell you what law
enforcement agency or agencies have jurisdiction. In other
words, who can enforce the law.
Look for Sections - The sections will
describe the act(s) which are illegal.
State Statutes Abandoned Animals
State Statutes Dead Animals
State Statutes Horse Transport Laws
State Statutes
Police Animals
State Statutes Selling Lame, Disabled, or Debilitated Horses
State Horsemeat Statutes
Ohio Abandonded Animals
No owner or keeper of a dog, cat, or other
domestic animal, shall abandon such animal.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953
Prohibition against animals running at
No person, who is the owner or keeper
of a stallion, jackass, bull, boar, ram,
or buck, shall permit it to go or be
at large out of its own enclosure.
Effective Date: 11-03-1978
Animals running at large on public roads
- grazing on another's land.
No person, who is the owner or keeper
of horses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats,
swine, or geese, shall permit them to
run at large in the public road, highway,
street, lane, or alley, or upon unenclosed
land, or cause such animals to be herded,
kept, or detained for the purpose of
grazing on premises other than those
owned or lawfully occupied by the owner
or keeper of such animals.
The running at large of any such animal
in or upon any of the places mentioned
in this section is prima-facie evidence
that it is running at large in violation
of this section.
Effective Date: 11-03-1978
to 951.09 Repealed.
Effective Date: 11-03-1978
The owner or keeper of an animal described
in section 951.01 to 951.02 of the Revised
Code, who permits it to run at large
in violation of either of such sections,
is liable for all damages caused by such
animal upon the premises of another without
reference to the fence which may enclose
such premises.
Effective Date: 11-03-1978
A person finding an animal at large
in violation of section 951.01 or 951.02
of the Revised Code, may, and a law enforcement
officer of a county, township, city,
or village, on view or information, shall,
take and confine such animal, forthwith
giving notice thereof to the owner or
keeper, if known, and, if not known,
by publishing a notice describing such
animal at least once in a newspaper of
general circulation in the county, township,
city, or village wherein the animal was
found. If the owner or keeper does not
appear and claim the animal and pay the
compensation prescribed in section 951.13
of the Revised Code for so taking, advertising,
and keeping it within ten days from the
date of such notice, such person or the
county shall have a lien therefor and
the animal may be sold at a public auction
as provided in section 1311.49 of the
Revised Code, and the residue of the
proceeds of sale shall be paid and deposited
by the treasurer in the general fund
of the county.
Effective Date: 11-03-1978
Unavoidable escapes.
If it is proven that an animal running
at large in violation of section 951.01
or 951.02 of the Revised Code escaped
from its owner or keeper without his
knowledge or fault, such animal shall
be returned to its owner or keeper upon
payment of the compensation prescribed
in section 951.13 of the Revised Code
for its taking, advertising, and keeping.
Effective Date: 11-03-1978
The person or county, township, city,
or village whose law enforcement officer
takes an animal running at large in violation
of section 951.01 to 951.02 of the Revised
Code is entitled to receive from the
owner or keeper thereof the following
(A) For taking and advertising each
horse, mule, head of cattle, swine, sheep,
goat, or goose, five dollars;
(B) Reasonable expenses actually incurred
for keeping each such animal.
Compensation for taking, advertising,
and keeping a single herd or flock shall
not exceed fifty dollars when such flock
or herd belongs to one person.
Effective Date: 11-03-1978
to 951.16 Repealed.
Effective Date: 11-03-1978
Whoever violates section 951.01 or 951.02
of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor
of the fourth degree.
Effective Date: 11-03-1978
PA Abandoned Animals
§ 5511.
Cruelty to animals
(c) Cruelty to animals.--A person commits
a summary offense if he wantonly or cruelly
illtreats, overloads, beats, otherwise abuses
any animal, or neglects any animal as to which
he has a duty of care, whether belonging to
himself or otherwise, or
abandons any animal,
or deprives any animal of necessary sustenance,
drink, shelter or veterinary care, or access
to clean and sanitary shelter which will protect
the animal against inclement weather and preserve
the animal's body heat and keep it dry. This
subsection shall not apply to activity undertaken
in normal agricultural operation.
(m) Forfeiture.--In addition to any other
penalty provided by law, the authority imposing
sentence upon a conviction for any violation
of this section may order the forfeiture or
surrender of any abused, neglected or deprived
animal of the defendant to any society or association
for the prevention of cruelty to animals duly
incorporated under the laws of this Commonwealth.
(m.1) Fine for summary offense.--In addition
to any other penalty provided by law, a person
convicted of a summary offense under this section
shall pay a fine of not less than $50 nor more
than $750 or to imprisonment for not more than
90 days, or both.
Utah Abandoned Animals:Class B or Class C Misdemeanor
76-9-301. Cruelty to animals.
(1) A person is guilty of cruelty to animals if the person intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence:
(a) fails to provide necessary food, care, or shelter for an animal in his custody;
(b) abandons an animal in the person's custody;
(2) A violation of Subsection (1) is:
(a) a class B misdemeanor if committed intentionally or knowingly; and
(b) a class C misdemeanor if committed recklessly or with criminal negligence.
(9) Upon conviction under this section, the court may in its discretion, in addition to other penalties:
(a) order the defendant to be evaluated to determine the need for psychiatric or psychological counseling, to receive counseling as the court determines to be appropriate, and to pay the costs of the evaluation and counseling;
(b) require the defendant to forfeit any rights the defendant has to the animal subjected to a violation of this section and to repay the reasonable costs incurred by any person or agency in caring for each animal subjected to violation of this section;
(c) order the defendant to no longer possess or retain custody of any animal, as specified by the court, during the period of the defendant's probation or parole or other period as designated by the court; and
(d) order the animal to be placed for the purpose of adoption or care in the custody of a county and municipal animal control agency, an animal welfare agency registered with the state, sold at public auction, or humanely destroyed.
(11) As used in this section:
(a) "Abandons" means to intentionally deposit, leave, or drop off any live animal:
(i) without providing for the care of that animal; or
(ii) in a situation where conditions present an immediate, direct, and serious threat to the life, safety, or health of the animal.
Amended by Chapter 7, 1996 Special Session 2