General Information
Horse Transport Law Cards
IL Horse Transport Bill
Law Enforcement
Education & Awareness
Stolen Horses
EPN Partners with SHI to Distribute Idaho Alerts
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Please send your tax
deductible donation to the:
Equine Protection Network, Inc.,
P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933.
HoofPAC is the political action committee
that has been formed to end the slaughter of America's horses.
Cathleen Doyle, founder of HoofPAC, led the successful Save
The Horses campaign in 1998 that made the slaughter
of California's horses a felony.
You Know?
is important that we never
lose sight that rescue without
advocacy will not change people's
thinking, set social policy,
pass laws or abolish equine
Save The Horses, CA Equine Council
Page last revised
Horse World Expo
Who We Are
The Equine Protection Network (EPN) began in 1995 as a grassroots effort by concerned horse people who were determined to make a difference for abused, neglected and slaughter bound horses. The EPN has dedicated much of its efforts to the investigation and enforcement of horse cruelty laws and when necessary, the passage of legislation to protect America's horses. The EPN is now a non-profit charitable horse welfare organization, dependant on public donations.
Since its inception, the EPN has been at the forefront in fighting for equine's welfare. When the EPN observed the infamous double decker trailers at the New Holland, PA horse auction loading horses destined for Canadian slaughterhouses, we took action! 
Our efforts resulted in the successful enforcement of New York State's twenty-year ban on the use of inhumane double deck cattle trailers to transport horses (resulting in prosecutions), and three amendments to NY law that both increased the penalties and closed two loopholes in the law. At the same time we led the fight to pass PA's Horse Transport Law-- the strongest law in the United States banning double deck trailers to transport any horse, no matter what its final destination!
The EPN's President and founder, Christine Berry testified at the PA House Judiciary Committee Hearings in Gettysburg, PA in June 1998 for the PA Horse Transport Bill. The EPN also requested and received permission from the New York State Police for Trooper Thomas Garcia to testify on duty at these hearings. The EPN provided the PA Legislature with over 35 Pennsylvania and national horse organizations written support for this legislation and thousands of individuals signatures on petitions. The EPN provided written and photographic evidence documenting the use of the double deckers in PA to transport horses, thus providing justification to the legislature for passage of a law to outlaw the inhumane double deckers for equines in PA.
PA's Horse Transport Law, Act 64 of 2001, went into effect in August 2001, six years before the federal ban on double deckers takes effect in 2007 under the Commercial Transportation of Horses to Slaughter Act of 1996, and unlike the federal ban, PA's law applies to any horse, no matter what its final destination!
Download a card and carry in your car. Help enforce PA law banning the use of double deck trailers to transport any horse, no matter what its final destination!

Christine Berry has been an invited speaker on this issue at Equitana in Louisville, KY and in New York City at the Association of the City of the Bar of New York Conference on Horse Welfare in 2002.
When we observed sick, starving, and injured horses being sold at the New Holland horse auction, we again took action that ultimately led to an investigation of the New Holland horse auction by the PA. State Police. The result was the first successful enforcement of the 1985 PA law prohibiting the sale of sick, lame, and debilitated horses.
The EPN's Christine Berry has earned a Certificate in Police Science with High Honors, and has been qualified and testified for the Commonwealth of PA as an expert witness in horse cruelty cases in the Berks County Court of Common Pleas and several PA district courts.

The EPN has a very limited Sanctuary Program for horses, providing a lifelong home safe from neglect, abuse or slaughter. The EPN focuses on horses that have been ordered forfeited by the courts due to their owners being convicted of cruelty. The EPN strongly believes that owners must be accounable and responsible for their horses. The horse industry has used horse slaughter as a convenient trash can for the horses that the industry has used up and crippled. The advent of horse rescue organizations has provided the industry with an alternative trash can with little incentive to change the behavior that creates horses that are fodder for slaughter at the average age of seven to eleven years old.
The EPN's efforts have brought to public attention the issues of horse slaughter and horse cruelty, as well as recovery of stolen horses. The EPN strongly believes that irresponsible and neglectful owners must be held accountable for their actions if we are to truly make a difference for our beloved horses.
In 2003 the EPN kicked off the Save America's Horses National Billboard Campaign to raise awareness and educate Americans about the fate of over 4 million of our beloved horses.
In 2004 the EPN's Christine Berry was a clinician at the Horse World Expo in Harrisburg, PA speaking on the topic of Horse Slaughter, An American Tragedy, not a Necessary Evil.
In 2005 the EPN began a literacy prgram for children, Saddle Up For Story Time! fostering a love for reading and a love for our beloved horses. The EPN kicked off the program at Pine Grove Elementary School in Schuylkill County, PA with the donation of 15 books including Black Beauty, All Horses Go to Heaven, Mustang, Wild Spirit of the West, King of the Wind, America's Last Wild Horses ,Cloud, Cloud's Legacy, Wild Horses and others. We strongly believe by teaching our children to love and care about the welfare of our horses we will make a difference in our effort to Save America's Horses! You can participate in the program by sending your donation to the EPN, Literacy Program, P.O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933.
These accomplishments are only the beginning. The EPN has a number of goals to achieve, and we can only do so with your help. Please support the EPN via financial or material donation or through volunteer work. Join our online mailing list to stay updated on the latest equine welfare news, and receive action alerts to learn what you can do to help:

The EPN in partnership with Stolen Horse International, SHI, also distributes Idaho Alerts in an effort to help victims of horse theft recover their horses.

Advisory Board
Cathleen Doyle HoofPAC, Save the Horses, CA Equine Council
Dr. Renee Nodine V.M.D. Equine Veterinarian
Harold Plasterer AFA Certified Journeyman Farrier
Connie Fenner Owner & Editor The Paper Horse
Chetty Ferry - NBC 10
Anna Sasso Thoroughbred Owner
EPN Patrons, Remembrances, Horse Sponsorships, Saddle Up For Storytime!, Save Americas Horses Donations
Please send your tax deductible by completing our online EPN Donation Form.You can fill out the form online and then print the form and mail via regualr mail to:
Equine Protection Network, Inc., P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933
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Thank You!
to all the media outlets who have investigated and covered the following issues:
PA's Horse Transport Law, Horse Slaughter, Horse Cruelty & the Save Americas Horses Campaign
The EPN has been featured or assisted the following media outlets on these issues providing video footage, photographs, documentation and background information:
- Equiculture
- Equine Marketer
- Equus
- Horse Illustrated
- Horse & Rider
- Horse News
- Horse of Delaware Valley
- The Bloodhorse
- The Horse
- The Horsemans Corral
- The Paper Horse
- Pennsylvania Equestrian
- Western Horsemen
- Columbus Dispatch
- Evening Sun
- Gettysburg Times
- Lancaster Sunday News
- Northwest Herald
- Pittsburgh Magazine
- Pittsburgh Post Gazette
- Public Opinion
- Philadelphia Inquirer
- Pocono Record
- Pottsville Republican
- Reading Eagle
- Rockford Register Star
- Sentinel
- Warren Times Observer
- Williamsport Sun Gazette
- York Daily Record
- York Dispatch & Sunday News
- Animal Planet
- Berks Cable 5
- Fox News
- KDKA TV Investigators
- NBC-10 Investigators
- WISH-TV I-Team
- WHP Radio
- WTAE Investigators
- Marty Griffin Radio Show
Please send your tax deductible donation to:
Equine Protection Network, Inc., P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933
America's Horses- Make
the Commitment to Your Horse!
